April 17, 2019

Travelling with a Toddler


Does the thought of travelling with your young child fill you with dread? We don’t blame you. Who wants to be stuck on a long journey with a bored and restless child? God forbid that they throw a temper tantrum mid-flight! Then again, think of the holiday destination and the great time your family will have once you get there. Here are some tips to help make your travel experience with your child as pain-free as possible.

Talk to them

Start talking to your child about the forthcoming trip a few days before you leave. Show them pictures of trains and planes, and read stories about travelling – there are tons of children’s books available on the subject. Tell them what to expect on the journey, and try role-playing to get them used to the idea of wearing a seatbelt and sitting in their own seat. Even if they don’t understand everything you are saying, some of it will get through.

Timing is everything

You know your child best. What time of the day do they start getting cranky, around naptime? Try to book a flight or train that works with your child’s schedule. If possible, book a window seat so your child can look out the window and have some space. Give your family plenty of time to get to the airport or station, and go through all the security measures. This way you can avoid rushing around at the last moment. Though families with children are asked to board first, it might be a good idea to board with your young child at the end, so they aren’t stuck in their seats getting restless while others board.

Snacks, snacks, snacks

We cannot stress enough the importance of carrying plenty of snacks for the journey. Fruits, dry fruits, crackers, finger sandwiches, crunchy snacks—take more rather than less of your child’s favourite eats. This way you can ward off a hunger-related meltdown, the little ones are kept occupied eating and their tummies are happy. Remember that during the flight the change in pressure can bother your child’s ear, save a lollipop or a juice box for that time.

Activity Packs

Put together a bag of colouring books, crayons, puzzles and games that will keep your child entertained en route. Once your child is seated and buckled in give it to them. They will be excited to open the bag of new stuff and the activities will keep them engaged. As a last resort, take a tablet filled with child-friendly apps and shows. Don’t forget to pack toddler headphones, so that the other passengers aren’t subjected to noisy cartoons.

Be prepared

Pack extra clothing for your child in your hand luggage in case of accidents. If your toddler has a favourite stuffed animal or blanket, make sure to take that along. This will be a soothing presence for your child, especially if they want to nap. Take zip lock bags to store away soiled clothes and carry basic medicines. It always helps to be prepared when travelling with a toddler!

You don’t have to give up on travelling just because you have a child. They are only so small for a short amount of time and it’s normal for them to be tired and cranky sometimes. Stay calm, and think of the holiday that awaits at the end of the journey. Bon Voyage!
