Just-A-Minute with your toddler!

It is not the quantity of time but the quality of time that makes a difference in your child’s life. You can make every minute count. Playing games is the easiest way to connect with your child.

Here is a set of ideas that will make learning occur naturally while it appears fun!

You can try these quick activities with your child while you are cooking, getting ready to work, ironing, shopping or eating. These activities will not only help you bond with your child but also help your child learn a few important concepts.


It is a nice way of introducing similar sounding phonics to your toddler. “Mama says, Cat” and your child responds with a Rat, Mat, Bat or Fat. You can increase the difficulty level based on your child’s language development.

It also builds your child’s vocabulary. You could also take turns in calling out objects that start with a specific letter such as ‘B’ or ‘D’.


I-Spy is a popular game that helps your little one learn new words. You spot an object in the room and say, “I spy with my little eyes, something starting with the letter ‘B’” and your child has to guess the word.

Mother and the child can take turns in guessing the object.

Once, while I was playing this game with my niece, she said, “Something starting with N”. Even after multiple guesses, I couldn’t find the object. She was elated and declared, “Knife!” I felt so sorry for her. I am sure you will have such moments too!

You can also try variations with colors like, “I spy with my little eyes, something in green.”

Pick the odd man

Collect small objects of the same shape. For example, sticky note, eraser, magnet, etc in square shape. Slip in an object of different shape, like a ball. Ask your child to pick the odd man out.

It helps your child recognize patterns and differentiate the odd from a set of common objects.

Count N Shop

Children get restless if you take them along to shop groceries and vegetables. Here is how you can make it interesting by asking them to help you shop.

Ask them to count and drop fruits/vegetables into the basket. For example: “Mama is buying apples, can you pick 2 apples and put them into the basket please”. Engage them and give them a little responsibility, toddlers love acting older than their age.

You can also keep them guessing, “Mama is going to buy a fruit that is yellow, round and sweet. What do you think it is?” It is a nice way to teach your child the characteristics of various fruits and vegetables.

In the kitchen

While you are in the kitchen, there are a number of ways you can engage your child. You can request your child to group the vegetables that you have in your fridge. It will hone your child’s sorting skills.

Place a few cups, mix a few beans and ask your child to sort them. It will improve your child’s attention and focusing skills.

Li’l architects

It is a good idea to stock some ice cream sticks and straws at home. Give them a few sticks and ask them to make various shapes. If your child is a pro with shapes, ask them to make a house or a tower.

Shape Sort

Draw up a big circle, square, triangle and rectangle on the floor. Now, ask your child to collect objects from home that match the shape and place it within.

Color Sort

You could either collect bottle caps of different colors or buy big buttons of different colors. Use an empty egg carton (color each compartment in a different color) to encourage your child to sort the caps/buttons into the compartments.

There are so many different things you can do in a minute! Focus your activities on Colors, Shapes, Numbers and Rhyming Sounds and am sure your toddler will love the challenge.