Keeping Your Kids Healthy During the Rainy Season

As the rainy season brings a much-needed respite from the seemingly never-ending heat, it also brings increased humidity and a few challenges! Whether it’s those wet umbrellas, soppy shoes, damp walls, soaked clothes or moisture in the air – these can all lead to a host of fungal and bacterial growth in and around your house. Young children can also be more susceptible to falling ill during this time.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your little ones protected, happy and healthy:

* The rainy season brings with it several waterborne diseases like typhoid. Boil or filter your water before use.

* Cover all water containers, these become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which can carry dengue and malaria.

* Increase your little one’s intake of hot beverages and soups, to avoid throat problems.

* Avoid oily, take-away foods if possible and enjoy fresh homemade meals, rich in Vitamin C. Add a pinch of turmeric and cardamom powder to your child’s milk, this helps increase immunity. Every morning you can give them two leaves of tulsi, which contains anti-inflammatory properties.

* Make use of the time indoors and organize some fun activities or have a board game night!

* Dress your little ones comfortably – soft and light clothing for the humidity during the day and add an extra layer of clothing with full sleeves to keep them warm in the nights.

* Wetness and dampness increase the chances of infections. Have your little ones change out of wet clothes immediately if they get caught in the rain.

* Change your baby’s nappies more frequently. Prolonged wetness could result in diaper rashes or fungal infections.

* Fever, body ache and sneezing are classic symptoms of typical seasonal-induced illnesses and could even indicate the onset of viral infections. Contact your paediatrician right away and take the measures necessary to combat the illness in its nascent stage.

Don’t forget to keep warm and dry. By taking a few cautious steps, you and your little ones can enjoy the rainy, breezy weather together – guilt-free!

Building Immunity with Food During COVID-19

It’s important to ensure that your little ones eat a balanced diet filled with essential nutrients in order for them to build up their immunity and help their bodies fight off infection. We know that it’s not easy, especially since the festival season is just kicking in! When possible, limit access to highly processed foods that are high in calories but low in nutrition and try to introduce nutrient rich foods. There are a number of healthy but tasty recipes that you can try out at home!

Here are some key immune-boosting nutrients:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium
  • Beta Carotene
  • Protein

Getting these essential nutrients in doesn’t have to be a tough task!

Vegetable Pulao is a simple meal that you probably make at home already, which has a variety of ingredients with a high level of nutrients:

Green peas are rich in heart healthy nutrients like Vitamins A, B1, B6 and C. They are also rich in antioxidants like flavonoids and carotenoids which help in improving immunity. Besides, they are also an excellent source of protein, with 8gms in one cup of peas.

Green beans are low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol, and is a great source of protein and Vitamins A, B6, C and K. They may also support heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation.

Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fibre, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants, are weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health.

Paneer is a great source of protein, Selenium, Vitamin B6, B12, Calcium and Zinc. Studies have linked calcium and other components of dairy to reduced weight and easier weight maintenance, especially when combined with exercise.

Preparing meals with ginger, garlic and turmeric have had a long history of boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.

Pre and post-playtime snacks can be a nutrition bar or a fruit smoothie or yoghurt with berries that can provide daily requirements of immunity boosting nutrients. A handful of mixed nuts are the easiest to snack on too.

Stay safe, stay healthy!

Amelio Home Assist – Nanny Care & Learning at Home

It is clear what an immense challenge many families are facing right now. Setting aside the unpredictability of COVID-19 and the unknown end date to protective measures, many families have had to learn how to juggle their own careers or job changes, all while trying to care for their children and continue their learning at home.

At Amelio, we have been trying to find new and innovative ways to not only keep young children engaged, but to help out families who may be struggling at home during these unprecedented times. With this in mind, we are happy to introduce Amelio Home Assist – Nanny Care and Learning at Home services at your doorstep!

Whether you need an extra hand with feeding, diaper changing and supervising your children, or help engaging with and enabling them to reach their learning and developmental milestones – we’re here for you!

Amelio Home Assist connects you with Amelio’s well trained, dedicated and experienced caregivers and teachers, across Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Personalized care

With one-on-one care, our caregivers and teachers will be sure to give your child the care, understanding and education that they need. 

Flexible time slots 

Our programs are designed to be flexible to adapt to your family’s daily schedule.

Experienced caretakers and teachers 

We are happy to provide you with professional childcare services at home.

Safety, our priority!

Through Amelio Home Assist, our aim is to support families with professional childcare services at home, all the while keeping safety as our utmost priority. From daily temperature checks, regular health check-ups and COVID-19 safety kits to maintaining health & cleanliness at home, while commuting, during their stay and even in their communities, our caregivers and teachers will make sure that the health and safety of your families are at the forefront always.

Book your appointment today! Call 9176024000 or visit our website for more information.

Closer to our families with our e-learning solutions across the globe

Here’s how the Babilou Family is supporting families across the globe with home-based learning for children in their early years. It’s wonderful to be a part of this group, sharing the same passion and commitment together!

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus, the landscape of the World we knew until now has dramatically shifted to a virtual world, in which we need to constantly redefine new ways of staying connected. While in some countries nurseries and schools remain partially open, or are fully closed, families have been asked to stay home for their own safety, which is not without any challenges.  While parents work even harder than before to try to sustain their work, they now need to become a teacher to their children and also preserve mental health for everyone.

Although this situation has, without any doubt, serious consequences for humans and businesses, it has also been an acceleration factor for Babilou Family, which puts innovation, entrepreneurship, agility, with our families and human connection at the centre. In many countries where Babilou is represented, all teams have been closely monitoring the local situation and proactively adapting to the changes to ensure a smooth and effective transition for all children, families and partners. Thus, they have launched the roll out of their new breakthrough services, the #1 being a global E-learning experience.

In Singapore, the Government announced a Circuit Breaker period in April and, since then, our centres have moved to a Home-Based Learning model, re-defining our ways of staying connected and learning.

Prior to the circuit breaker period, our team had already started developing various comprehensive and quality resources for our children to ensure continuity in every child’s learning and development. Take-home kits were created and delivered to the doorstep of each child who was on leave of absence and/or a Stay Home Notice.

Our curriculum team also developed a guide that encompasses a child-friendly explanation of viruses and the importance of personal hygiene, coupled with different activities to engage our children. These guides were also featured in Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) Beanstalk Facebook page.

Our interactive Home-Based learning modes comprise of pre-recorded videos from the enrichment and curriculum team, daily online class conferencing, alongside weekly Home Learning activities to keep the children constantly engaged and active. The extensive list of activities consists of language and arts, exploration and reflection, creative play, cook and bake recipes and enrichment videos that compliment well with the daily interactive online class sessions. Despite not being physically with our children, we ensure consistency for the children who are meeting their teachers and friends daily to promote emotional stability and enhancing their well-being.

Pooja, Head of Curriculum said: “The situation has created an impact on everyone but we have embraced the changes confidently as we embarked on this new mode of learning with all our stakeholders: teachers, parents and children. Our dedicated team of teachers is passionate in nurturing all children. Despite being a steep learning curve for them, they have shown resilience, displayed creativity in conducting the online classes and continue to provide strong guidance in assisting the children as well. The distance will never keep us apart and together as a big, nurturing family, we can overcome this hurdle. “

In Colombia, our Origami centres started their E-learning programmme “Origami closer to you” by the end of March.

“Origami closer to you” is a flexible programme designed to be used by babies, toddlers and their parents. It uses different strategies in which teachers, directors and the interdisciplinary team (psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist) are available all day long in different spaces. Every week, parents receive activity plans according to their child’s age which allows them to organise their home and work schedules. Every day the children can participate in online morning greetings and end of the day meetings with their teacher. They can also choose to take part in some or all of the following activities:  online semiprivate classes, online group classes, classes with specialised teachers, and afternoon workshops. On a daily basis parents and children can ask for online support from teachers or the therapeutic team whilst every week we send articles and other support materials to our families. In addition, parent-teacher meetings take place every two weeks and in June a qualitative report will be send to each child.

One of the families says: “It’s a wonderful interdisciplinary programme that combines different methods that enhance the development of specific skills. We like the way in which our child interacts with different teachers and the variety of classes which he can attend. The afternoon workshops are just wonderful. The weekly plan is well structured, and its design allows a clear understanding of the purpose of each activity.  We also like the Pencil App which allows nice and easy communication with the teachers. We have seen great progress in our son!”

In June, the programme will be enhanced with new online workshops (gardening, yoga, ballet and cooking). In addition to this, the “Origami at home” programme will be launched. With this programme we will complement “Origami closer to you” by sending members of our staff to family’s homes to assist and work with their child two mornings per week.

In the Middle East, since beginning of April, Blossom and Seashells Nurseries are bringing their nursery experience to Family’s homes, thanks to their new Brand Inspire Me at Home.

High quality content and true, authentic human connections, are at the heart of our premium E-learning service provided by our highly qualified Early Years experts. Through this unique programme, tailor-made for toddlers from 24 months to 4 years plus, families have access to extensive planning with daily videos, stimulating and suitable activities and tutorials. Every day, children can experience 5 to 7 activities based on key areas of learning inspired by our modern EYFS curriculum, along with music, physical activities, art and craft activities and French and Arabic language lessons. In addition to this rich content each teacher runs live classrooms, a unique time for children to sing, express themselves, engage and connect together.

Sari, Head of Education outlines “Inspire Me at Home provides an early year’s programme that has an educational content planned in great detail to support a child’s mental, social and educational stability. Every activity is put in place not only to support a specific area of child development but to allow the child to thrive in their overall development and learning. Since Inspire me at Home learning is led by our professional educators, every activity supports previous learning and allows the child to build age-appropriate skills. The E-learning is not an extension of our modern EYFS curriculum: it is its own, solid educational model.”

Our promise will always remain the same: we are here to support all our families and their children WHEREVER they are at ANYTIME. With this current situation our E-learning programme offers structure to the day of each child, which helps them to feel secured whilst also ensuring emotional stability as they can interact with their virtual teacher and friends. This is even more important when considering many of our families are away from their home countries and they need human interactions. Thus, we understand the challenges that our families are facing and we will always continue to listen carefully to their needs and the signals of the World we are living in. To share with you some exciting news, soon we will be launching our new Body & Mind Enrichment programme, offering mindful activities to the children. And that is not it, we will also kick off another key programme that is close to our heart, our Nanny programme, using our expertise of Early Years education to upscale nanny’s skills, knowledge and self-confidence.

In India, Amelio Early Education has launched “Amelio Reach”, their latest initiative to support families at home, and engage with children in their early years through virtual child-engagement sessions.

Amelio’s curriculum team has specially developed learning opportunities using a blending learning approach, always keeping in mind that a crucial part of their learning happens through activities. Inspired by Amelio’s award-winning World of Discovery Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, Amelio Reach offers a comprehensive activity-based daily routine that follows a weekly theme. Learning is brought to life in the form of live sessions, videos, written content, printable activity sheets and guided home learning activities. Created for children aged 6 months and above, the programme is specially developed for each age group, to ensure that every child can benefit from the program.

Sathish, Amelio’s Associate Vice President of Operations says, ” We know that learning at home is not easy for children and parents. And when it comes to young children and their short attention spans, E-learning can sometimes be a challenge. Thus, we have ensured that the activities and the frequency of engagement are age-appropriate and highly sensitive to the home environment. Our role as a company is to assist, and if needed mentor/coach parents or their caregivers, to develop a new work-life routine at home that does not neglect the developmental and psychological needs of children, especially the younger ones. After all, learning has no limitations!”

Amelio Reach – Bringing the Amelio Experience to your Homes

Why pause learning when the possibilities are endless?

Struggling to find the right platform to continue your young child’s learning at home? Look no further! After weeks of research and planning, we are excited to launch “Amelio Reach”, our latest initiative to support families at home and engage with children in their early years through virtual child-engagement sessions.

We know that it’s not easy!

Families around the world are looking for the right programs to help engage and connect with their young children. When it comes to young children and their short attention spans, e-learning can sometimes be a challenge. Keeping in mind that a crucial part of their learning happens through activities, Amelio’s Curriculum team has curated unique learning opportunities using a blending learning approach. Tailor made and age-appropriate, our learning programs are designed for home environments, and we aim to help parents develop a new work-life routine at home that does not neglect the developmental and psychological needs of children – especially the younger ones.

Specially crafted learning opportunities

Inspired by Amelio’s award-winning World of Discovery Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, Amelio Reach offers a comprehensive activity-based daily routine that follows a weekly theme. Learning is brought to life in the form of live sessions, videos, written content, printable activity sheets and guided home learning activities. Every day, children can experience activities based on key areas of learning, including literacy, mathematics, language and communication, music and movement, expressive art and design, and more!

10-day free trial – for a limited period only!

To help you understand if this is the right program for your child, we are currently offering a 10-day free trial, to help you experience the program first-hand and make the best decision for your little one. Routines are important during this difficult time, and it’s important to help children express themselves and have fun, while learning and experimenting.

Activities for every child

Through this exclusive program, Amelio aims to support children in their early years in achieving their developmental milestones. Created for children aged 6 months and above, the program is specially curated by experienced Early Educators for each age group, to ensure that every child can benefit from the program. After all, learning has no limitations!

Learn more about Amelio Reach

Amelio Reach gives us the opportunity to reach out to families across cities. We are committed to supporting families, and in helping children continue their learning journey in the same manner that they would have at our centres. To learn more about Amelio Reach or to participate in our 10 day free-trial, visit our webpage, or call our Helpline at 9176024000.

Cooking With Children – 3 Simple Recipes To Try At Home

Get your fussy little eaters into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs, with a few easy and fun cooking projects! You can help your child explore different foods when cooking using other senses besides taste, this can help them build positive associations with food. Kneading dough, rinsing vegetables, or tearing lettuce can all add to the sensory experience as well.

Here are 3 simple recipes for you to try out with your little ones at home.

No-Bake Peanut Butter Treats

Banana Pancakes

Pizza Toast

Cooking is an important life skill, and over time, cooking with your children can help build confidence – all the while providing rich sensory experiences. With enough practice, your child will someday be able to cook YOU a delicious meal!