Raising Healthy Children – Tackling Childhood Obesity

Our kids have it good! They take the van or we pick them up and drop them at school in a vehicle. Deep-fried snacks, chips, burgers, pizza and let’s not forget that sweets and sugar loaded drinks are everywhere and within their reach. And then there are the gadgets! Most kids these days are never too far from a screen, be it a tablet or television.

So, it isn’t surprising then that in India 5.74 to 8.82% of school children are obese according to this piece in The Indian Express. Childhood obesity can cause a host of health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and even heart disease not only now, but even when they’re older. 

By taking some steps at both home and school, you can raise a healthy child, and help them form good eating and lifestyle habits.

  • First off, if your child is overweight, don’t shame them and make negative comments. Be supportive and make sure they know that they are loved and cherished.
  • Visit the doctor and have your child get a complete checkup. Have a discussion with the pediatrician and come up with a weight management plan. Make sure you always follow the doctor’s recommendation. 
  • Children learn from those around them, so the adults in the family need to lead by example. Eat healthy foods and be active as well. It helps when kids are only allowed to bring in healthy snacks to school.
  • Cut down on the junk food kept at home and the ordering in. Give your kids home cooked, balanced meals with plenty of vegetables and fruits. 
  • If your child does want a packaged snack once in a way, make sure to check the ingredients and the amount of sugar and calories in the snack. Help your child make healthy choices.
  • We Indians are famous for overfeeding and serving large helpings, but this isn’t healthy at all. Practice portion control and giving your child smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day. Send two small snack boxes to school as well, rather than one heavy one.
  • If possible, let the family sit together at the dining table and eat. This way, the kids are more attentive toward what’s going into their stomach, rather than automatically shoveling food in while watching TV.
  • Try to provide healthy alternatives to their favourite snacks. This might take some preparation and work, but it’s worth it in the long run.
  • Exercise is super important. Your child needs at least an hour of physical activity a day. This can be achieved in an hour-long dance class or football class. Or could be split up through the day in the form of some time playing at the playground or riding a bike.
  • Make sure the school your child goes to gives importance to physical activity and sports. 
  • Do family activities together – maybe go for a trek or a walk in the park. Encourage your child to spend time outdoors by showing them how fun it is.
  • Limit screen time! Whether it’s playing a video game or watching cartoons – try to make sure that they don’t indulge in it for more than a couple of hours.

Initially, it might be hard to make and implement all these changes. But stick with it and it will become a routine, and your kids will learn to make healthy lifestyle choices. The work you put in now will serve them well throughout their lives.